Wednesday, March 11, 2020

WWII - 19


1. Share Perspective on  Atom  bomb arguments : table partner, group members

2. Identify the strongest arguments For and Against the use of the Atom Bomb with group members and complete Atom Bomb Discussion Activity FORM located on Schoology, WWII, Atom Bomb Folder

HW: Read Assigned Perspective on Atom Bomb - Due 3/11
Complete WWII Note-taker Japanese Occupation and Marshall Plan Due 3/12
Multiple Choice Test 3/13 - Review located in US Folder in Google Drive
All Late/Absent Work DUE 3/13
Written Assessment Revisions 3/9-3/16

Tips for staying healthy amid a coronavirus outbreak are front and center today. What can all of us do on a daily basis to help prevent catching and spreading the disease? After that, we're explaining the significance of "Super Tuesday 2.0." And we're taking you to the top of the highest outdoor sky deck in the Western Hemisphere.