1. Discuss Role of Government Introduction Activities
2. Introduce Liberal & Conservative Beliefs
3. Complete the Political Typology Quiz
I Side With Political Quiz
Political Spectrum Results
4. Pick TWO issues from the Studentnewsdaily.com conservative-vs-liberal-beliefs link . Read the viewpoint of both Liberals and Conservatives on the issue and identify the main arguments.
Copy and paste the chart below and complete on class blog:
Post Title: Liberal & Conservative Beliefs
Liberal Argument
Conservative Argument
Course Registration 1/14 - Meet in Library
CNN 10
Welcome to a new week of CNN 10! The United States and Russia have differing accounts of a recent incident involving warships in the Arabian Sea. A composite image from the ISS gives us an idea of what a meteor shower looks like from space. And though "artificial humans" recently made headlines at a technology show, they're a long way from becoming virtual assistants.